1948 - 2024

Raisis Arifin Panigoro

Penasihat MedcoEnergi

Dengan rasa hormat, kami sampaikan rasa kehilangan kami atas kepergian Ibu Raisis Arifin Panigoro, Penasihat MedcoEnergi (2022-2024). Jasa dan kontribusi almarhumah selama ini menjadikan tauladan bagi kita semua.

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Masuk | Sabtu, 20 April 2024 |

Safe Operations

Safety and Health are our first priority

We ensure our people safety and health in all conditions at all times

Due to the various industries that MedcoEnergi is engaged in, the Company allows discretions to each business unit to adopt a system or program of SHE procedures, which is suited for the needs of each and every business unit within the respective industries. However, MedcoEnergi requires all of its business units to adopt a system that is fully compliant with the prevailing laws and regulations as well as being in line with the international best practices.

To further enhance our control over SHE procedures, and to ensure consistent evaluation to these procedures, starting in 2006, the oil and gas business unit has adopted the 7th Edition of the International Safety Rating System (ISRS7). The ISRS7 constitutes a highly useful system in measuring the effectiveness of SHE procedures that is related to the business performance of a company. Training and workshop in the implementation of the ISRS7 have been undertaken since 2006 and will continue in 2007 onwards.

As for the chemical business unit, the ISRS7 has been adopted since 2005. Training and workshops on issues of SHE care are carried out for various levels of management, it is aimed at a common understanding both vertically and horizontally towards this work safety program.

MedcoEnergi places a strong emphasis on broad participation among all employees to be aware of safety issues. The commitment of the Company to safety at work should be fully understood by each and every employee as part of their responsibility to their work. As such, any deviation may be anticipated as early as possible. The efforts are facilitated through posters, leaflets and stickers, as well as through regular forum where employees can share knowledge and experience.

Although reminders on safety at work are constantly carried out, accidents are at times difficult if not impossible to anticipate. Thus, improvements are critical to MedcoEnergi and should be undertaken continuously.

MedcoEnergi will constantly strive to ensure the safety of its operations. The Company believes that with a working environment that is safe, it will also ensure environmental safety. With ISRS7 at our disposal, we believe that this system provides a strong foundation upon which MedcoEnergi can grow its businesses in the future.