
Waste Management

Using the Best Available Technologies (BAT), we have implemented an integrated waste management approach encapsulating waste segregation, disposal, and treatment. Several of our assests have recieved the ISO 140001:2015 certification, encompassing waste management within its range of audited scope.


In effort to manage non-hazardous waste from our operations,
MedcoEnergi follows the Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle (the 3Rs) principles. Our non-hazardous waste is segregated into organic and inorganic waste, with the former of which is sent into composting centers and the latter to recycling centers. In operational areas, we transport organic waste to be sorted, weighed, and composted at the Waste Treatment Centers (WTCs). As for remaining waste which unabled to be composted is sent to the nearest landfill.

MedcoEnergi actively encourages its employees to reduce their consumption of single-use plastic through campaigns and socialization in several assets by utilizing eco-friendly alternatives. Our employees are also encouraged to use tumblers instead of plastic bottles, reusable lunch boxes and eco-bags.


Hazardous waste from our operations accounts for 84% of our total waste. We manage those hazardous waste by engaging with licensed third-party disposal companies.

Further reading on our waste management and data performance can be found in MedcoEnergi’s Sustainability Report.

1Hazardous waste is waste containing substance, energy and/or components which, due to their properties, concentration and/or amount, may directly or indirectly pollute and/or damage the environment and/or harm the health of humans or other living creatures’ lives in the areas or waste designated ‘hazardous’ or some similar term under the applicable regulatory requirements of the country where MedcoEnergi operates.