1948 - 2024

Raisis Arifin Panigoro

Advisor of MedcoEnergi

It is with heavy heart that we announce the passing of Ibu Raisis Arifin Panigoro, MedcoEnergi's Advisor (2022 - 2024). Her service and contribution made her a role model for all of us.

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Login | Saturday, 02 November 2024 |


Yani P

Yani PanigoroPresident Commissioner

Indonesian citizen, born in Bandung on 18 June 1951; a Bachelor in Electrical Engineering from ITB, Indonesia (1975) and a Master in Management from Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen-Bandung, Indonesia (1997); appointed as President Commissioner on 26 August 2021 and also serves as Chairperson of the Risk Management Committee, as well as member of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee and the GCG Committee, serves as Commissioner of PT Medco Duta and PT Medco Intidinamika; as President Commissioner of PT Sarana Jabar Ventura and of PT Sarana Bali Ventura, and as lecturer at several Universities and as Chairwoman of Board of Trustees Bandung Institute of Technology (Majelis Wali Amanat ITB).


Yaser Raimi A. PanigoroCommissioner

Indonesian citizen, born in Bandung on 22 July 1978; a Bachelor in Information Technology from the American University, USA (2002); previously Deputy Managing Director of MedcoEnergi Mining (2007-2010) and Business Development Manager of MedcoEnergi (2003); appointed as Commissioner by EGMS decision on 25 November 2015; also serves as member of the Audit Committee and the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, as Commissioner of PT Medco Agro, PT Multi Fabrindo Gemilang, PT Medco Intidinamika, and PT Antareja Resources.


Marsillam SimanjuntakIndependent Commissioner

Indonesian citizen, born in Yogyakarta on 23 February 1943; received a medical degree from Universitas Indonesia (1971) and a law degree from Universitas Indonesia (1989); previously a Special Staff fro Tax Reform Initiative and Custom of the Ministry of Finance (2006-2010). Head of Presidential Working Unit Program on Governance Reform (2006-2009), and Secretary of Cabinet/Minister of Justice/Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia (2001); appointed as Independent Commissioner by EGMS decision on 25 November 2015; also serves as Chairman of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee and member of the Risk Management Committee and the GCG Committee; has no affiliated relationships with members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners.