
Biodiversity Conservation

MedcoEnergi is firmly committed to environmental stewardship, actively supporting biodiversity conservation efforts throughout our operations. This commitment extends beyond regulatory requirements. Concurrent restoration initiatives are implemented at all domestic oil & gas assets, while revegetation activities at our power facilities surpass compliance standards. Our environmental focus goes further, encompassing proactive measures such as tree replanting programs and the protection of endangered species. By prioritizing these practices, MedcoEnergi strives to minimize environmental impact and contribute to a more sustainable future.

MedcoEnergi prioritizes the preservation of biodiversity and ecosystems as an integral aspect of our robust Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) Policy. This commitment extends to both the protection of native species and designated conservation areas. Furthermore, adhering to stringent Indonesian regulations, we conduct comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessments (Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan Hidup/AMDAL) for new operational sites. These in-depth assessments meticulously evaluate the potential impact on biodiversity and the effectiveness of implemented measures to prevent land degradation.

Revegetation Accomplishments
Below is an overview of our replanting efforts:

Tree and Mangrove Planting Initiatives
We planted trees and mangroves across our assets in 2023 to promote biodiversity in land and coastal areas, aligning with SKK Migas’ national tree-planting campaigns.

Medco & I - Two Trees

MedcoEnergi's "Medco & I - Two Trees" initiative fostered environmental responsibility by encouraging employees to plant or adopt at least two trees. This employee engagement initiative was implemented across all MedcoEnergi operational areas in Indonesia, running from September to November 2023. Employees were empowered to participate by either planting trees themselves or contributing to the initiative through the Medco Foundation. The program offered flexibility, allowing employees to choose between planting perennial trees or supporting vital mangrove restoration efforts.

Further reading on biodiversity conservation can be found in MedcoEnergi’s Sustainability Report.