Governance & Ethics

Standards of Integrity and Responsibility at MedcoEnergi

Effective May 4th, 2020, MedcoEnergi established a new Code of Conduct, providing clear guidance on how our business operates. This Code sets the standard for behavior expected from our Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, and all employees in their daily professional activities.

Aligned with our core values of professionalism, ethics, openness, and innovation, our Code also upholds five essential principles of Good Corporate Governance. It underscores MedcoEnergi's commitment to sustainable development and integrates best practices from diverse international backgrounds within our organization, and expectations for the Board of Commissioner, the Board of Director, and all employees in terms of his/her roles. These expectations are described in Our Code through "know the Code, know the commitment" as the belief of how the organization in doing business.

Our Code outlines specific roles and responsibilities, ensuring that everyone understands and upholds these standards in their business dealings. 

For further details on Our Code, please consult the Code of Conduct Book.

Click here to download ourCode of Conduct