Our Approach

Sustainability and Risk Management Governance

Our governance framework rests on core principles: Transparency, Accountability, Responsibility, Independence, and Fairness. These principles, governed by the MedcoEnergi Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors, ensure robust governance practices.

Our GCG framework outlines how the BoC and BoD at MedcoEnergi oversee the integration of sustainability and climate considerations into our responsible business practices.

Aligned with our climate goals, we actively manage both physical and transition risks and opportunities. To spearhead these efforts, we've established two dedicated groups: the Climate Change Working Group and the Energy Transition Working Group. The Climate Change Working Group focuses on reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and mitigating physical climate risks. Meanwhile, the Energy Transition Working Group drives our shift towards low-carbon energy, emphasizing the expansion of MedcoEnergi's natural gas and renewable energy portfolio.