Whistleblowing Channel

External Ethics Hotline
(by appointed independent party):

Hotline Email

Hotline Phone

Our commitment to upholding the highest ethical standards at MedcoEnergi means that every individual working with us shares the responsibility to report any concerns or suspected violations of the Company's Code of Conduct, policies, laws, and regulations. We ensure that all stakeholders, including our partners, have a reliable channel to report such matters.
We have established internal (Internal Ethics Hotline) and external stakeholders (External Ethics Hotline) whistleblowing channels, allowing for anonymous reporting. MedcoEnergi takes reports of potential violations and misconduct seriously, with a zero-tolerance policy for retaliation. Each report is treated confidentially and validated according to applicable laws and Company policies.
To enhance compliance sustainability, MedcoEnergi has undertaken efforts to improve the performance and transparency of its whistleblowing system (WBS), including the disclosure of confirmed corruption incidents in its 2021 Sustainability Report (GRI 205-3). System enhancements were implemented in 2022-2023, with plans to adopt the ISO37002:2021 Whistleblowing Management System standard by 2024. As part of this process, a gap analysis was completed in 2023, and the current WBS Procedure is being converted into a comprehensive Whistleblowing Management System Guideline. This guideline not only expands corporate-level coverage but also aligns with ISO standards in process implementation.