Social and Communities

BackOrganic System of Rice Intensification (Organic SRI): The Innovation

MedcoEnergi continues to work and innovate to improve social and economic conditions around our operational areas, focusing on enhancing the quality of life and promoting sustainable business practices, ultimately empowering communities towards self-sufficiency. The Organic SRI (System of Rice Intensification) program is an initiative first launched in 2008 to support farmers around the Company’s operational areas in Aceh, South Sumatra, North Kalimantan, and Central Sulawesi. This program is aimed at facilitating the development of farming enterprises through training and mentoring activities:

  • Sustainable, environmentally-friendly farming methods using organic fertilizers
  • Integrated pest management practices with an ecological balance approach
  • Increasing productivity and production quality
  • Strengthening organizations and fostering business development

Over the past 10 years, the program has successfully increased average production from 3 tons/hectare to 8 tons/hectare. The program has also contributed to soil fertility restoration, enhanced environmental support capacity, and stimulated the growth of new organic farming enterprises.

Organic SRI Program Implementation
