1948 - 2024

Raisis Arifin Panigoro

Advisor of MedcoEnergi

It is with heavy heart that we announce the passing of Ibu Raisis Arifin Panigoro, MedcoEnergi's Advisor (2022 - 2024). Her service and contribution made her a role model for all of us.

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Login | Friday, 13 December 2024 |

Media Release


MedcoEnergi's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Approved the Net Income Atributable to Shareholders of USD85.1 Million and Dividend per Share of USD0.00766

MedcoEnergi held the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS), where the majority of shareholders approved the Board of Director's 2011 Annual Report >


MedcoEnergi Booked Net Profit of USD89.22 Million in 2011

MedcoEnergi pleased to announce that the 2011 Company’s sales and operating revenues has increased to USD1,143.29 million (23% increased, compared to >


MedcoEnergi Cooperates with KOGAS to develop CBM

MedcoEnergi announces the signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to develop Coal Bed Methane (CBM) business executed by and between PT Medco Energi >


MedcoEnergi Obtained Commercialization Approval for Area 47 Libya

MedcoEnergi, through its wholly owned subsidiary Medco International Ventures Limited - Libya (MIVL), announced that Management Committee (MC) of Area >


MedcoEnergi Utilizes Sekayu methane Gas for Electricity

MedcoEnergi was finally able to realize the utilization of Coal Bed Methane (CBM) in CBM Sekayu Block into energy for electricity. It was marked with >


MedcoEnergi Released Working Interests of Anaguid Block at Tunisia

MedcoEnergi is pleased to announce that it has completed the sales of 20% interest of MedcoEnergi in the Durra Concession and 40% interest of MedcoEnergi >

MedcoEnergi 9 Month-Period 2011 Net Income Up 12.8% to US$20.3 Million

PT Medco Energi International Tbk hereby announces its success in increasing net income or profit attributable to shareholders to US$20.3 million in 2011, >


MedcoEnergi New Exploration on Lagan Deep-I, South & Central Sumatra PSC Block

MedcoEnergi announces that the Lagan Deep-1 exploration well located in the South & Central Sumatra PSC, spudded on 7 September 2011. MedcoEnergi has >


MedcoEnergi Will Soon Open its Operational Office in Tripoli

MedcoEnergi will begin to open its operational office in Tripoli, so that 60 of MedcoEnergi’s local employees can resume their work within this week. >


MedcoEnergi Signs its Third CBM PSC for Lematang Block

MedcoEnergi is pleased to announce the signing of a Lematang Coal-Bed Methane Production Sharing Contract (“Lematang CBM PSC”) block, located in the >


MedcoEnergi's Net Income for First Half 2011 increased by 64.7 percent to USD 19.9 million

MedcoEnergi dengan bangga umumkan keberhasilannya dalam membukukan laba bersih atau laba yang dapat diatribusikan kepada pemegang saham sebesar AS$19,9 >